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 NCLEX-RN 2020: Canadian and International Results - for following years, please contact individual regulatory bodies

What you need to know about the NCLEX-RN


  • It's an exam that tests what a nurse needs to know before beginning to care for patients as a nurse.
  • The NCLEX-RN is not "American". It does not test any health care history, legislation, or systems. It tests what a nurse needs to know to safely practice in Canada.
  • Pass rates are consistent with the old exam and regulators have confidence in the NCLEX-RN that it is rigorous, secure, and provided in a modern testing format. (Find out more about computerized adaptive testing.)
  • Exam writers might feel some anxiety about writing the NCLEX-RN. Anyone taking any exams might feel anxious which is normal and to be anticipated.
  • Regulators have the responsibility to make sure those entering the profession - new nurses - have the skills, knowledge, and judgment to provide safe care. An "entry-to-practice" exam is just one tool they use to protect the public.

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