CCRNR appoints new President and Vice-President
The Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) is pleased to announce the appointment of a new President, Deb Elias, and Vice-President, Silvie Crawford, following a vote taken during its Board of Directors Meeting on Monday, September 25, 2023.
CCRNR extends sincere appreciation to Cynthia Johansen who served as CCRNR’s President since 2016, and had been Vice-President since 2013, and to Lynn Power, who was Vice-President since 2016, and currently serves as CCRNR’s Exams Committee Chair and Lead on the Nurse Practitioner Regulation Framework Implementation Plan Project. CCRNR thanks Cynthia and Lynn for their many years of service and dedication to CCRNR in these important leadership roles.
About the new officers
Deb Elias, CCRNR Board President
The new CCRNR Board President, Deb Elias, RN MN, is the Chief Executive Officer/Registrar of the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM).
Deb has decades of registered nursing and regulatory experience with key strengths in leadership and collaboration. During her nursing career, Deb has held roles of Chief of Quality Practice, Manager of Complaints Resolution, Nursing Practice Consultant, Investigator, as well as clinical roles in home care and community hospitals.
Deb graduated from Grace General Hospital Diploma School of Nursing in Winnipeg, Manitoba and went on to receive her Bachelor and Master of Nursing degrees from the University of Manitoba. More recently, she completed a Fellowship in Regulatory Excellence through the National Council State Board of Nursing with a focus on competence.
Sylvie Crawford, CCRNR Board Vice-President
The new CCRNR Board Vice-President, Silvie Crawford, RN, BHScN, LLM - Health Law, is the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the College of Nurse of Ontario (CNO). Since joining CNO just over a year ago, Silvie has focused on building partnerships to support the health care system, so Ontarians can receive safe care. Under her leadership, CNO has set new records for registering nurses in Ontario; worked with the Ministry of Health on regulatory changes to increase the number of nurses available to the system and expanding scope of practice, and added inclusive and culturally safe care to the Code of Conduct for nurses.
Silvie enjoys fostering principles of collaboration, relationship building, and leveraging the brilliance of the collective. As an active contributor to many regional and provincial initiatives, she has positively impacted policy and the evolving needs of the public. She has held executive leadership roles at complex multi-site academic health science centres, as well as in the non-profit sector, supporting community-based organizations.
Silvie is an active regulatory leader, joining conferences and symposia across continents, relentlessly promoting safe nursing practice. In Ontario, Silvie is also the co-chair of the Joint Provincial Nursing Committee.
The Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) is a national collaborative of nursing regulators for interprovincial/territorial, national, and global regulatory matters. The collaborative promotes the advancement of excellence in the regulation of registered nurses in the public interest. All 12 of Canada's provincial/territorial registered nurse regulators are members of CCRNR.
For inquiries, contact Eugenia Afolabi, Communications Consultant at