NPR-FIPP Project Summary


In January 2018, the Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) agreed to explore a new model for Nurse Practitioner (NP) regulation. Following work that articulated a vision and recommendations for NP regulation in Canada, the CCRNR Board commissioned the Nurse Practitioner Regulation Framework Implementation Plan Project (NPR-FIPP) in 2020 with a priority that NP entry-level education programs in Canada will prepare NPs for practice across the life span in all practice settings.

The impetus for a new model for NP regulation

The role and practice of NPs has changed and evolved since they were first regulated in the 1990’s. Currently, NPs are educated and regulated in most Canadian provinces and territories based on their category or stream of practice2, including the categories of Family/All Ages (or Primary Health Care), Adult, Pediatric, and Neonatal. NPs start out their professional experience as Registered Nurses (RNs) and bring their RN experience and knowledge to their NP practice.

Although NP categories of practice were put in place to address population needs and focus NP education and knowledge in particular areas of healthcare (which they have done and continue to do well), there have been challenges.

Learn more by reading the project summary PDFs below.


NPR-FIPP Project News #10


New Executive Coordinator Joins CCRNR